We understand that you're eager to receive your order as soon as possible, and we want to provide you with as much information as we can about the estimated delivery times for your location.
Here's what you need to know about delivery times:
- The delivery time is the estimated number of business days it takes after the product has been shipped to arrive at your location if nothing goes wrong during the delivery.
- To this number, you must add the time it takes for your order to be fulfilled. For more information on when your order will be fulfilled, refer to this article: https://support.pulsar.gg/support/articles/67000586589
Here are the estimated delivery times for orders from different warehouses:
From USA Warehouse (USA only)
- Economy: 2-14 days (USPS)
- Priority: 1-3 days (USPS)
- All orders over 0.5KG: 2-7 days (UPS)
From South Korea Warehouse (DHL, FedEx)
- DHL INT EXPRESS: 2-5 days
- FedEx EXPRESS: 2-5 days (Canada, UK, EU)
From South Korea Warehouse (Rincos)
- Economy: 10-20 days
- In the case of RINCOS China, please use the shipping address in Chinese to avoid delays.
Please note that these are estimations, and you are not guaranteed to receive the product within these periods as shipments can be delayed for various reasons. Also, these delivery times only apply to orders from pulsar.gg. For inquiries about EU orders, please contact [email protected].
We hope this information helps you understand the estimated delivery times for your order. If you have any further questions, please don't hesitate to reach out to our customer support team.